Catholic Life and Mission
At St David’s we endeavour to live out our mission statement every day. ‘Love God, Love Learning and Love life.’ Children participate in daily class worship with regular whole school and key stage assemblies. We are a welcoming and happy school, inclusive and everyone is made to feel valued. The school focuses on two virtues every term and is enjoying it’s regular Virtue Voyage linked to Pupil Voice groups and the areas of the curriculum.
The school is continuing to build relationships with the Parishes and regularly visit Our Lady Star of the Sea where we attend Mass with parishioners. Fr Michael the Parish Priest and our link Governor is a regular visitor in school. He works with classes and also celebrates Mass with us.
The school regularly seeks the views of parents and listens to feedback on how the school can improve. We work with local charities and often lead projects where we help people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
We follow Come and See in our Religious Education lessons and have begun to start implementing the new Religious Education Directory.
This curriculum has six components which are known as branches, which in theory cover 6 half terms. Each branch has a core theme and invites pupils to learn about an aspect of Revelation, Scripture, Life in Christ and life in Church.
The 6 branches are:
Creation and Covenant, Prophecy and Promise, Galilee to Jerusalem, Desert to Garden, To the ends of the earth and Dialogue and Encounter. This is a spiral curriculum which means that the skills build up over the years which deepen their understanding.