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St David's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors’ page. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Our Governors

The Governors of St David’s Catholic Primary School are a hard working group of volunteers made up from across our school community.


Governors Of St David’s Catholic Primary School

Please find below information about our Governors.


Chris Law - Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor) 

I am passionate about St David's school - our children only get one chance, so we need to ensure it is the best it can possibly be. I have over 30 years experience in finance and senior management in the public sector, with significant experience in policy and procedures, process improvement, staff management (including Union negotiation, interviewing, and redundancy.) I am Health and Safety qualified (NEBOSH), and am particularly interested in child safeguarding and ensuring all children and those with additional learning needs are supported appropriately. I am one of the trustees of the Swansea Parent Carer Forum and I run the website for Our Lady Star of the Sea Mumbles. 


Steve Smith – Vice Chair, Foundation Governor (Parish of St Benedict)

Retired Bank Manager with 40 years Finance and senior management experience in the private sector. I have been a school governor in primary and secondary schools in Cardiff and Swansea over the last 25 years. I am also a member of Swansea University Finance and Strategy Committee and also Non-Executive Chairman of Swan Global, the University’s international student joint venture with Navitas.

My three children all attended St David’s and then Bishop Vaughan receiving excellent education and have all gone on to obtain University degrees and build successful careers.

I worship at St Benedicts in Sketty and am a lay reader at mass.

The only blot on my copybook is that I am a Bluebird rather than a Jack due to my early upbringing in Cardiff!


Luisa Sohal – Foundation Governor (Parish of St Benedict)

I am a former pupil of St David’s and now a mum to two children at the school, Luca  and Matteo. I have worked in finance for the last 15 years. 

I am pleased to be a Foundation Governor for St Benedict’s Parish, where I have been a parishioner since childhood and now help with the children’s liturgy on Sundays. 

I look forward to supporting our wonderful school as a Governor.


Elizabeth Wigley – Foundation Governor (Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea)

I feel incredibly lucky to have discovered St David's Catholic Primary School for my children. From the outset, I have been impressed by the staff's  dedication to the pupils and the enthusiasm shown for the schools ethnic diversity. My husband and I quickly decided that our two children could thrive here academically and beyond.  Raised within the catholic faith myself, I was so pleased to find a school that shared similar values. I am an active parishioner of Our Lady Star Of The Sea. I have been a healthcare professional for over 10 years and I am excited to bring some of my experiences to my role as a governor. I am excited and optimistic about the future and continued success of St David's.


Lucy Griffin – Foundation Governor (Parish of St Joachim & St Anne)

I have recently been appointed as Foundation Governor for St Joachim and St Anne’s Parish,in Dunvant. where I hope to join the Reading rota and become an active member of the Parish. Children: Aodhán and Oisín Griffin Barr, aged 24 and 20, went to St David’s and then to Bishop Vaughan School. I was an active FOSDA member and ran the book stall at our bazaars with my husband, Sean, for many years. I am Area Leader for Languages at Dylan Thomas Community School and have worked with the Local Authority to build capacity in MFL at Primary level. I was previously Head of Languages Department at St Joseph’s Catholic School, Port Talbot.


Fr Michael Tega Akpoghiran OP (Parish Priest of Our Lady Star of the Sea)

Father Michael is a foundation governor appointed by the Diocese. He is parish priest of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church, Mumbles, Swansea, and Director of the Diocese of Menevia School of Evangelisation and Catechetics (DOMSEC). Father Michael has postgraduate degrees in philosophy, theology, and computer science. He is privileged to be a governor and proud of the strong Catholic ethos which St David's School embodies. 


Karen Jones – Foundation Governor (Parish of St David’s)

My sons regularly served on the Altar at St David’s and attended St David’s school. I am the Safeguarding Representative for St David’s  parish and active in parish life, counting, cleaning and serving teas and coffee on Sunday. I am a solicitor by training and until recently worked for a large third sector organisation providing homes, care and support. I  volunteer with a number of Charities and am a keen, continuing and still struggling Welsh Learner.


(VACANCY) – Parent Governor


Mrs Helen Winchester - Teacher Governor

I have been at St. David's Catholic Primary for 16 years as a teacher and senior leader. I am very privileged to have taught many children in our wonderful school, led many initiatives throughout the school and collaborated with many colleagues over the years. I am honoured to be elected as Teacher Governor and look forward to supporting the school's vision.


Mrs Kate Rees-Stevens - Staff Governor

Having returned home to Swansea from France in 2021, I took up a teaching assistant post at St.David's in Sept. 2022. I currently work with Year 1, Dosbarth Mumbles but have worked with many different and varied year groups during my time here. 

My daughter Charleigh has also attended St.David's since our return to Wales and she is currently a very settled and happy Year 5 pupil.

My background is in music. I have a particular interest and passion for the many positive and beneficial roles the arts can play in the education of all children. It was the amazing opportunities and experiences afforded me by the West Glamorgan Music Services that enabled my further studies, graduating with a music degree from Goldsmith's College, University of London in 1995.

Having benefited myself from a Catholic education, at both primary and secondary levels, I knew I wanted my own daughter to enjoy the ethos and sense of community offered by a Catholic school environment. We now enjoy belonging to OLSS parish, Mumbles.

I am proud to be part of the diverse and inclusive family of St.David's and I feel very honoured to be taking on the role of staff governor. I look forward to working with the governing body to support the development of St.David's School.


Mrs R McKay – Clerk to the Governors 

I have worked in St David's since 2012, 6 years of which were in the Foundation phase Reception Class, followed by 3 years in P3 and I have loved seeing the children progress over the years. I have 2 boys who attend a Welsh speaking comprehensive school and I am passionate about the use of Welsh language in schools. It is my firm belief that children need to be happy in school in order to achieve their maximum potential. 


Governors Annual Report to Parents 2024-2025

Annual Report to Parents 2023-2024

Annual Governors Report to Parents
