Religious Education
In our Religious Education we try to ensure that the quality of learning and progress is good. We strive to achieve the same standards in our Literacy Work as Religious Education. When teaching Religious Education we enhance the learning by using children’s creative skills.
At St David’s we support local charities and often have visitors from CAFOD, Mission Together or Local Parish. We celebrate the liturgical year within our school community.
We carry out book scrutinies, lesson observations, listening to learners and are now building on a tracking system for the children in our school.
To enrich our Religious Education this year we have started our Virtue Voyage. This is when groups work on an area of learning linked to a virtue ranging from children in Year 1 – 6. This is our Pupil Voice Group and links with work from Minnie Vinnies.
We have started to develop our own structure for the new Religious Education Directory. We link key words for each year group to the branch.